Coronavirus Update:
"Redeemer Lutheran Church is aware of the concern of the COVID-19 virus. Our congregational leadership has developed a plan of action in the event of increased risk in our community. We continue to follow the recommendations of professionals in relation to the threat level in our area. Currently, we are at a condition "GREEN" level, this means that all Redeemer worship services will be held as planned. Holy Communion will continue to be served as scheduled. Our Little Lambs Preschool has already closed following the recommendation of schools in our area and parents have already been notified. We continue to clean and disinfect the church facilities with special attention to high traffic areas. We encourage people to follow the best practices for reducing virus transmission, such as washing their hands and staying home if sick or at a high risk for infection. Our leadership is staying informed about the virus and we are ready to take further precautionary measures if necessary." --Redeemer Congregation President Don Kaegebein, Vice President Dan Nieman, and Board of Elders
1. We are committed to providing corporate worship and Holy Communion for as long as we can in a manner that is as familiar as we can. Church services will continue as scheduled. Offerings will be received at the door rather than passing the offering plate down the aisle. No one is offended if you skip the greeting line after service. No link has been shown between receiving Holy Communion (common or individual cup) and virus transmission. Our cleaning crew is regularly disinfecting hymnals, pews, and other high contact surfaces in addition to our regular cleaning.
2. We are aware of the CDC/State of Indiana recommendations for limiting gatherings to 50 people or less. With some people already self-quarantining, our regular attendance at each service will probably be below this guideline. While there are no known confirmed cases in our community of Highland or the adjacent towns, we expect that will change in the near future. At that time, we may move to a condition yellow, and further modifications/changes will be announced by our congregational leadership through email and social media. IF worship services were to be totally cancelled, the Board of Elders will contact the membership of Redeemer by phone.
3. Pastoral visits to hospitals and nursing homes are already being limited by facilities in our area, and we expect more to follow suit. Our congregational leadership has decided that Pastor and Vicar should suspend all routine hospital and shut-in visits. In the case of a life-threatening emergency, please call the Pastor/Vicar/Church directly and we will come if at all possible.
4. Bible classes, Sunday School, and other committees/groups are free to decide if they are going to continue to meet during condition "GREEN". At the time of this writing, all are continuing to meet as scheduled. Contact your teacher or committee chairperson for more information or to express any concerns you may have.
5. If you are an "at risk" individual or have specific concerns, please do what you need to do for your health and wellness. Feel free to contact Pastor for devotional resources if you're staying at home.
6. While the church office remains open during condition "GREEN" we would ask our membership to limit non-essential calls and visits. Thank you for your understanding.
Redeemer Action Response Plan for Coronavirus (PDF)